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Continuing Education Course registration for the Fall2024 termis available now on this website. > Part-time Programs & Professional Learning > Business > Math & Statistics

Technical Calculus I [CSCG51]   

This course is oriented towards applications of differentiation and integration to analyze and solve problems of electrical and electronics circuits and signals. Topics covered include: limits, derivatives of algebraic and transcendental functions and their applications, integration of algebraic and transcendental functions and its applications and selected methods of integration. Prerequisite: Math course, which covers algebra, linear, quadratic and higher degree equations, systems of equations, exponents, radicals and complex numbers, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions, vectors and oblique triangles and plane analytic geometry. Textbook required. Software Required:Pearson's My Math Lab (accompanying A. J. Washington text: Basic Technical Mathematics with Calculus, SI version, 10th edition).
  • Technical Calculus I [CSCG51]
  • Fee: $514.80
    Course Code: CSCG51
    Dates: 9/10/2024 - 12/17/2024
    To inquire about this course contact
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