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Continuing Education Course registration for the Fall2024 term is available now on this website. > Part-time Programs & Professional Learning > Business > Accounting, Bookkeeping & Finance

Advanced Financial Accounting [CSCL47]   

This course in Advanced Accounting will emphasize the following accounting topics: recording and reporting of inter-corporate investments and business combinations, consolidation of subsidiaries, foreign currency transactions, foreign operations reporting, and financial reporting in the not-for-profit sector. Standard setting both internationally and in Canada will be discussed relating to IFRS and ASPE. Professional judgment and the ability to apply conceptual principles and accounting policies will be developed and enhanced so that students may embark on a successful career in the accounting profession. Textbook Required.

  • Advanced Financial Accounting [CSCL47]
  • Fee: $410.55
    Delivery: Online - OntarioLearn
    Course Code: CSCL47
    Dates: 9/10/2024 - 12/17/2024
    Course hours: 42
    Credits: 3.00

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    IMPORTANT: You will receive more information by email 1-2 business days prior to the course start. If you have registered for an Online - OntarioLearn course please review our Student Guide.  

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