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Continuing Education Course registration for the Fall2024 term is available now on this website. > Personal Growth & General Interest > Social Science

Anthropology [CSSL49]   

This course seeks to develop an appreciation for the mystery of human development and to put this development into the perspective of the entire Earth’s history. The course examines the physical, emotional and technological changes that man has experienced. When one has completed this course, one should have a good and fundamental understanding of the evolution of man and an appreciation for what humans have accomplished and will continue to accomplish. Textbook required. *NOTE: Students wanting to register for a General Education course as part of their certificate or diploma program should make sure to receive formal approval from their Program Coordinator. It should be noted that some general education courses are too close to the vocational specializations of specific programs and are therefore excluded as an option for students. It’s therefore important to receive formal approval before registration.

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