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Continuing Education Course registration for the Fall2024 term is available now on this website. > Part-time Programs & Professional Learning > Arts > Design

Introduction to Interior Decorating [CSCG97]   

This course will cover the basic principles and elements of design, the importance of room décor and the major categories of style types. We will review the types of career options in the field of design, the components of a professional portfolio and client needs assessments. Basic knowledge of floor plans, window treatments, lighting, colour schemes and styles will be examined and implemented in a colour board presentation at the culmination of the course. This will become the first addition to your portfolio. Textbook required.
  • Introduction to Interior Decorating [CSCG97]
  • Fee: $410.55
    Delivery: Online - OntarioLearn
    Course Code: CSCG97
    Dates: 9/10/2024 - 12/17/2024
    Course hours: 45
    Credits: 3.00

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    IMPORTANT: You will receive more information by email 1-2 business days prior to the course start. If you have registered for an Online - OntarioLearn course please review our Student Guide.  

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