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Continuing Education Course registration for the Fall2024 term is available now on this website. > Part-time Programs & Professional Learning > Community & Justice Services > Records Management

Legal Office Transcription [CSLO216]   

Accuracy is of the utmost importance in all legal communications, but it is especially crucial when reproducing information from one format into another. This course provides students with techniques that can be used to transcribe voice data and take notes in ways that ensure information is communicated in clear formats according to industry standards. Students also gain knowledge in how to use relevant transcription and communication software designed specifically for the legal environment, as well as the knowledge of how to support other users. Graduates are able to recognize the stylistic aspects of all communication in the legal environment. No Textbook Required.

  • Legal Office Transcription [CSLO216]
  • Fee: $410.55
    Delivery: Online - OntarioLearn
    Course Code: CSLO216
    Dates: 9/10/2024 - 12/17/2024
    Course hours: 42
    Credits: 3.00

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    IMPORTANT: You will receive more information by email 1-2 business days prior to the course start. If you have registered for an Online - OntarioLearn course please review our Student Guide.  

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