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Continuing Education Course registration for the Fall2024 term is available now on this website. > Skilled Trades > Gas Technician > Gas Technician 2 & 3 Courses

Domestic Appliance Technician 1 (Module 2B)   

This course covers the Gas Trade 2 required modules 11 & 12. Students learn to recognize the common features of a power supply and identify electrical terms, hardware and symbols. Students develop their knowledge of mechanical and electrical controls, control circuits, and selecting and operating the appropriate measurement and test instruments. Theory is applied to practice as students develop their skills in simulated work experiences in our lab.

Requirements: Students are required to wear CSA approved safety footwear, protective eye wear and have small hand tools for lab work. Students are responsible for purchasing the Gas Trade 2 training modules, 11 & 12.

NOTE: Students are required to maintain a minimum grade of 75% in both the practical and theory components of the program to meet TSSA requirements. A minimum of 80% attendance is required.


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