- Air Conditioning & Heat Pumps Inspection [CSSE28]
Fee: $410.55
Delivery: Online - OntarioLearn
Course Code: CSSE28
Dates: 9/10/2024 - 12/17/2024
Course hours: 42
Credits: 3.00
Emphasis in this subject is on cooling systems and heat pumps. Students learn to identify typical defects and apply correct inspection techniques. Textbook required.Order your textbook online HERE
IMPORTANT: You will receive more information by email 1-2 business days prior to the course start. If you have registered for an Online - OntarioLearn course please review our Student Guide.
- Communication/Professional Practices [CSSE32]
Fee: $410.55
Delivery: Online - OntarioLearn
Course Code: CSSE32
Dates: 9/10/2024 - 12/17/2024
Course hours: 42
Credits: 3.00
The professional home inspector is required, both verbally and in writing, to describe the inspection process and communicate inspection findings to the client. It is imperative that the home inspector be able to communicate clearly and effectively to ensure understanding of an inspection, once conducted. Students in this subject develop their oral and written communication skills, and learn the reporting requirements and proper conduct required of a professional in this industry. Textbook required.
Order your textbook online HERE
IMPORTANT: You will receive more information by email 1-2 business days prior to the course start. If you have registered for an Online - OntarioLearn course please review our Student Guide.
- Electrical Inspection [CSSE25]
Fee: $410.55
Delivery: Online - OntarioLearn
Course Code: CSSE25
Dates: 9/10/2024 - 12/17/2024
Course hours: 42
Credits: 3.00
This subject prepares students to inspect the performance of the following components of electrical systems within residential buildings: service drops, grounding systems, service panels, wiring systems, devices, and fixtures. Textbook required.
Order your textbook online HERE
IMPORTANT: You will receive more information by email 1-2 business days prior to the course start. If you have registered for an Online - OntarioLearn course please review our Student Guide.
- Exterior Inspection [CSSE31]
Fee: $410.55
Delivery: Online - OntarioLearn
Course Code: CSSE31
Dates: 9/10/2024 - 12/17/2024
Course hours: 42
Credits: 3.00
This subject covers retaining walls, grounds, window wells, lot grading, driveways, patios, walkways, decks, balconies, stoops and steps, porches, railings, wall cladding, flashing trim, eaves, soffits, fascia, as well as exterior doors and windows. Students learn to describe the exterior wall coverings and inspect all aspects of the exterior named above. Textbook required.Order your textbook online HERE
IMPORTANT: You will receive more information by email 1-2 business days prior to the course start. If you have registered for an Online - OntarioLearn course please review our Student Guide.
- Heating Inspection 1 [CSSE26]
Fee: $410.55
Delivery: Online - OntarioLearn
Course Code: CSSE26
Dates: 9/10/2024 - 12/17/2024
Course hours: 42
Credits: 3.00
This subject covers installed heating systems (gas and oil furnaces and hot water boilers). Emphasis is on the inspector's ability to identify the energy source, type, material, condition, and safety concerns, as well as inspecting the heating equipment. Textbook required. Order your textbook online HERE
IMPORTANT: You will receive more information by email 1-2 business days prior to the course start. If you have registered for an Online - OntarioLearn course please review our Student Guide.
- Heating Inspection 2 [CSSE27]
Fee: $410.55
Delivery: Online - OntarioLearn
Course Code: CSSE27
Dates: 9/10/2024 - 12/17/2024
Course hours: 42
Credits: 3.00
This subject covers vent systems, flues and chimneys, as well as fireplaces, other wood heating appliances, steam and electric heating systems. Students apply knowledge of these systems to the role of home inspector. Prerequisite: Heating Inspection 1. Textbook required.Order your textbook online HERE
IMPORTANT: You will receive more information by email 1-2 business days prior to the course start. If you have registered for an Online - OntarioLearn course please review our Student Guide.
- Interior/Insulation Inspection [CSSE30]
Fee: $410.55
Delivery: Online - OntarioLearn
Course Code: CSSE30
Dates: 9/10/2024 - 12/17/2024
Course hours: 42
Credits: 3.00
Focus is on the inspection of thermal insulation, vapor retarders and ventilation systems, as well as the inspection of interior elements of residential dwellings such as walls, ceilings, floors, basements, doors, windows, interior stairs/railings, installed countertops and cabinets, and garage doors/door operators. Textbook required.
Order your textbook online HERE
IMPORTANT: You will receive more information by email 1-2 business days prior to the course start. If you have registered for an Online - OntarioLearn course please review our Student Guide.
- Plumbing Inspection [CSSE29]
Fee: $410.55
Delivery: Online - OntarioLearn
Course Code: CSSE29
Dates: 9/10/2024 - 12/17/2024
Course hours: 42
Credits: 3.00
This subject prepares students to inspect, in a residential dwelling, the interior water supply and distribution systems (including fixtures and faucets), as well as water heating equipment and drain/vent/waste systems and their related fixtures. Textbook required.
Order your textbook online HERE
IMPORTANT: You will receive more information by email 1-2 business days prior to the course start. If you have registered for an Online - OntarioLearn course please review our Student Guide.
- Roofing Inspection [CSSE23]
Fee: $410.55
Delivery: Online - OntarioLearn
Course Code: CSSE23
Dates: 9/10/2024 - 12/17/2024
Course hours: 42
Credits: 3.00
The emphasis in this subject is on typical defects of the various types of roof coverings, drainage systems, flashings, skylights, chimneys, and other roof penetrations. Students apply their knowledge of roofing to inspections that focus on system performance, safety concerns, and compliance with existing codes and standards. Textbook required.
Order your textbook online HERE
IMPORTANT: You will receive more information by email 1-2 business days prior to the course start. If you have registered for an Online - OntarioLearn course please review our Student Guide.
- Structural Inspection [CSSE24]
Fee: $410.55
Delivery: Online - OntarioLearn
Course Code: CSSE24
Dates: 9/10/2024 - 12/17/2024
Course hours: 42
Credits: 3.00
This subject focuses on the following structural components of a residential dwelling: foundations and footings, floors, walls and roof/ceiling structures. Students learn to apply knowledge of structures to inspections that focus on system performance, safety concerns, and compliance with good construction practices. Textbook required.
Order your textbook online HERE
IMPORTANT: You will receive more information by email 1-2 business days prior to the course start. If you have registered for an Online - OntarioLearn course please review our Student Guide.