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Continuing Education Course registration for the Winter 2025 termis available now on this website. > Part-time Programs & Professional Learning > Community & Justice Services > Safety & Emergency Management

Safety & Emergency Management   

  • Fire Protection [CSAL143]
  • Fee: $410.55
    Delivery: Online - OntarioLearn
    Course Code: CSAL143
    Dates: 1/14/2025 - 4/22/2025
    Course hours: 45
    Credits: 3.00

    The risk of fire is a threat to health, safety and the delivery of services. Students learn specific information related to fire and life safety. Topics include the chemistry and physics of fire, building design for life safety, and other aspects of fire and life safety. Applicable legislation related to fire and life safety is also covered. This course has mandatory chats and mandatory group work. Textbook required.

    IMPORTANT: You will receive more information by email 1-2 business days prior to the course start. If you have registered for an Online - OntarioLearn course please review our Student Guide.  

  • Safety in an Educational Setting [CSMO99]
  • Fee: $410.55
    Course Code: CSMO99
    Dates: 1/14/2025 - 4/22/2025
    Course hours: 42
    Credits: 3.00

    Preparing to work as an EA, should include an understanding of your own personal safety concerns as well as the related safety issues for the child with whom you will be working.  The student will discuss legislation and be provided direction on WHMIS, safe physical care, safety related procedures, an understanding of coping with behavioural issues, physical restraint, medication, suicide and special conditions (e.g. allergies).  No textbook required.

    IMPORTANT: You will receive more information by email 1-2 business days prior to the course start. If you have registered for an Online - OntarioLearn course please review our Student Guide.  

  • Sexual Violence [CSCG120]
  • Fee: $410.55
    Delivery: Online - OntarioLearn
    Course Code: CSCG120
    Dates: 1/14/2025 - 4/22/2025
    Course hours: 42
    Credits: 3.00

    Sexual violence is a serious public, personal, and familial enigma that impacts health, opportunity, relationships, and overall well-being. This course seeks to promote a better understanding of the field of sexual violence, its causes, impact, consequences, risks, protective factors, and prevention. Sexual violence can occur in person, online, or through technology. It crosses all social boundaries, affects people of every age, gender, abilities, sexual orientation, and cultural background. It knows no bounds and anyone can experience or perpetuate sexual violence. Through the lens of an anti-oppressive framework and evidence-based approach, students will gain an understanding of the laws, equity issues, trauma, and supportive interventions for survivors. Additionally, students will explore the risk factors that may contribute to sexually harmful behaviour, current preventive measures, and treatment outcomes for those who sexually harm. No Textbook Required.

    IMPORTANT: You will receive more information by email 1-2 business days prior to the course start. If you have registered for an Online - OntarioLearn course please review our Student Guide.  

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